Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Saturday, 09/08/12

Had a fun weekend a couple weeks ago - haha!  Sorry it's posted so late. Lecture ended early so I decided to post some stuff before the next one starts.
Most Saturdays I go to the market to get fresh fruits and veggies. The people here are pretty shy about getting their pictures taken but I got a few of them to agree. They're such interesting people! Most of them are extremely nice. A lot of the produce is new to me so I always ask how to prepare it. They love sharing their recipes.

After going to the market I went on a Ross sponsored whale watching trip. That was fun! A whole bunch of the branch members went so we had a grand old time. The school rented this huge catamaran which picked us up at a dock between the school and town.
The boat was a little late picking us up so I started taking pictures of random things. Haha!

It's crazy what humidity and salt water does to stuff!

There was this old  fishing boat pushed up on shore by the dock. I think it was pushed on shore after the really bad hurricane that blew through here like 30 years ago. I took a bunch of shots of it but I don't feel like I got "the one" - ya know?! I'll have to go back later. It would also be fun to paint! Maybe someday...

That's our catamaran coming to pick us up in the background there


Being out on the water felt SO good! A few people were worried about getting sea sick but it was really calm. LOVE the Caribbean Sea for that reason. While the boat was moving there was a breeze that actually felt GREAT! We didn't see any whales but we had a great time.

Owen and Addi being best friends

Travis and Scarlet

Brittany and Lindsay

Travis, Lindsay and kids

It was SO relaxing sitting out on those cargo nets!

That's campus and a few of the taller apartment buildings nearby

Travis and Owen

Like father like son - haha!

Brittany, Tyler and Addi

Jonathan acting like he's running the show.... scary!

Still can't believe I live somewhere this beautiful!

Tyler, Brittany and Addi

There are little villages like this all up and down the coast 

All in all it was a great day! Too bad we didn't see any whales. Maybe next time...


  1. Macsen!!! I love the rusty chain picture!! I would love a copy, or permission to blow it up and have it printed. Looks like you're haveing a great time!

    1. By all means! Go ahead. It turned out better than I thought it would :-)

  2. Ya, that rusty chain is crazy! Hope it's not holding something important!! Love that beached boat! :)

    1. Nah, it's just holding an old tire that's acting as a bumper between to boats and the dock
