Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I should be studying for O-Chem....

Three quick things:

1) By the time I get to coming in to the library to study at night people are already LEAVING for the night. They look at me like I am insane. They are probably right. :)

2) Sometimes I go a little crazy with all the stuff I have to do. I was UBER stressed yesterday because I feel like at the end of every day I look at my list of stuff I wanted to do and feel like I haven't accomplished anything. It is SOOOO frustrating! I need to work on my time management skills.

3) A few months ago I cracked my mountain bike frame in half. About 3 weeks ago I got it welded back together (yay!) And today I had a few cables replaced that were damaged in the original mishap. The point is, while I was at Outdoors Unlimited waiting for them to finish up with my bike I noticed that they had a 40% off table! I, of course, mozied (how do you spell that anyway!?) on over and found crank brother pedals and 661 shoes (both are really great and really expensive)! Naturally I bought them both. :-) I think I saved over 120$ on the deal..... and really I saved a ton more than that by welding my bike (50$) instead of buying a new bike ($500-$800). And now my mountain bike is good and ready to go for this weekends trip to Moab. I am SUPER excited!

4) Point #3 really wasn't the original point #3 I wanted to write about but I can't remember what it was anymore. Oh man - am I loosing it?!?!

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