Monday, February 7, 2011

The ER

So I recently started volunteering at the ER! Coolest thing EVER! Officially, I really don't do much more than wheel patients back and forth between X-ray and CAT scan, get people warm blankets, and offer people beverages or snacks...and occasionally I give children toys and coloring books... pretty boring, no? But unofficially I get to watch everything the doctors and nurses do. THAT is the fascinating part! I have decided that I really enjoy the ER... maybe not as a full time gig, but if I could run a clinic of some sort and then do maybe a shift or 2 / week in the ER that would be super great. At least those are my thoughts after volunteering there 3 times. I wish I could share what I see every week but that would be breaking some major laws. Oopsies! - and bummer at the same time!
Just this past week the hospital hosted a luncheon for all of the volunteers. The CEO of UVRMC spoke about when his daughter was born, she came out totally blue and the team of doctors and nurses frantically worked on her until she finally took a breath and started to cry. He was crying, I was crying, pretty sure everyone was crying, then he said, "Miracles occur every day in health care - whether someone is entering or exiting this life - that is why I am in health care today." I agree 100%

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